Athens Area Stand Down
Friday, Oct. 4, 2024 | Athens Co. Fairgrounds | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Thank you Sponsors, Vendors and Volunteers!
Please click here to register as a vendor or volunteer this year
Vendors tables are back this year! Please bring your own table and chairs if you can
A way for our community
to support the homeless
and those at risk of homelessness
To provide those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness the resources they need to address their problems and rebuild their lives.
We are having information tables back this year! The Registration link is at the top of this page. Please bring your own table (one allowed - 8 ft max) and chairs.
Due to Flu concerns, for our safety and for the safety of our participants.
May be made can be made through our partner the Athens County Foundation -
(Link Here) & search "Athens Area Stand Down" if need be. Any checks should have Athens Area Stand Down in the memo line for your donation to be directed to us.
Bicycle Repair on site!
The Athens Bicycle Club is donating their time to make free repairs on bicycles at the event! They are also giving away a bicycle at the event to a person in need!
We have a very long "wish-list"
of "new" items we would like to
provide our attendees
Drop off new donated on OCTOBER 2nd & 3rd, 2024 at the Athens County Fairgrounds Jr. Fair (white) building located just over the hill on left from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. these two days. We are not accepting used clothes at this time.
The following items are requested in 2024:
100 3-in-one body wash
50 hand warmers
50 blankets
50 towels & washcloths
30 pairs of men’s and women's winter socks
20 L Men's Large Winter Coats
20 XL Men's Winter Coats
20 2XL Men's Winter Coats
5 3XL Men's Winter Coats
2 4XL Men's Winter Coats
10 Women's Medium Winter Coats
20 Women's XL Winter Coats
20 Women's XXL Winter Coats
150 flashlights with batteries or solar flashlights (preferred)
25 pairs of Men's L winter gloves​
25 Pair Men's XL winter gloves
50 Men's winter hats
50 Women's Winter Hats
100 pairs of Men's sox
50 pairs Women's sox
50 small blankets
75 washcloths
150 had towels
150 first aid kits
75 (6-load) laundry detergent boxes (No big bottles please - they need to be able to carry them where ever they go
150 Small sunscreen SPF 8 and above
150 Chapstick
150 packs of sanitizer wipes
100 small/medium toothpaste
If you wish to donate items, volunteer to help, or are a vendor wishing to set up a table, please tell us by Registering Here! Vendors please bring your own table (8' max length) and chairs if you can and let us know you have your own when registering please.
Athens Area Stand Down is a volunteer driven event. We depend on donations of time, money and resources to help combat homelessness in Athens County. Find out how you can help here.
Thank you to Thom Stevenson and the Ohio University Patton College of Education for donating their time, effort and resources to provide lunch last year!
Due to Flu Concerns:
- No used clothing donations are accepted.
Athens County Veterans can contact Athens on Demand to set up free rides to/from the event at
Athens on Demand (740) 597-2404
Hours: 10am - 12pm
Veterans Only
Service Verification Required
12pm - 2pm
Open to Veterans & Public
Above is a map of event flow. Enter/Exit and parking in the field as shown. Veterans park closest to the track. Non-veterans park furthest from the track. There will be people from OU ROTC to direct you. Check in at the tents. Only Veterans admitted 10am-Noon. Veterans and Public admitted Noon-2pm.
Athens Area Stand Down
Helping those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Athens Area Stand Down
Athens County Fair Grounds
Friday, October 4, 2024
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.